Board Members

Dr. Mohammad Rafiuddin is the founder who holds Ph. D in Social Work and has 30+ years of experience in development sector. He is responsible for the overall functioning of the organization as well as the Board.

Dr. Mohammad Rafiuddin
Founder & President

Dr. Vanila Bhaskaran, Director of Roda Mistry College of Social Work with 40 years of experience in social work education has been the pillar of strength since inception contributing to a great deal in the overall decisions making process. She is responsible for ensuring the safety and accuracy of all board records and reviews board minutes.

Dr. Vanila Bhaskaran
General Secretary

Mr. M.A Razak a prominent business person with 20 years of overseas experience in Sales, is a long-time associate of HCHW and is responsible for the overall financial management of the organization.

Mr. M.A. Razzak

Dr. Anna Mathew holds Ph.D. in Social Work and has 40 years of experience in social work education and practice. She is the retired Principal of Roda Mistry College of social Work and shares the skills and expertise for the development of the organization.

Dr. (Mrs) Anna Mathew

Dr. Shahikala holds M.A, M.Phil. and Ph.D. in English and has 40 years of experience in Education. She is the senior faculty in Roda Mistry College of Social Work and shares the skills and expertise for the development of the organization.

Dr. Shashikala

Mr. Mohd. Farhatullah hold MSW and has 15 years of experience in administration. He assists the Board in carrying out their function smoothly and effectively.

Mr. Mohd. Farhatullah

Mr. Pavankumar has more than 16 years of experience in leading and managing project, planning and management, technical assistance, capacity building, monitoring and evaluation, HIV/AIDS, public health studies and stakeholder management in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.

Master of Social Work from Osmania University 2002 - 2004

Mr. Pavankumar Chetti