FSW,MSM,IDU,Drivers, Mirgrants, Partners, Women headed families, child headed families, pregnant women, PLHA, Youth and child infected/affected with AIDS.

Medak District
Project Office at Sangareddy and SiddipetProject Office at Sangareddy and Siddipet
100 High Risk villages in Medak District
Rs.19 Lakhs
Rs.19 Lakhs
2009 - 2012
We have established 100 villages information centres as a place in each village that provides complete awareness on H I V / A I D s, Total Contacts are 545455, among them 7258 are high risk population, 24356 are bridge population, 53616 are vulnerable population, 561 PLHA and vulnerable children’s are 961. Total HIV testing’s are 62302 and STI Treatment 4970, TB 1225 and 890 members linked with government ART Centers
We have been conferred with the Best NGO Award by the State Government Consecutively for the year 2011 and 2012 in recogni t ion of our contribution towards the control of HIV/AIDs

Balasahyoga HCHW was the lead partner looking after the implementation all over Telangana region, apart from direct implementation in Medak district

Children infected and affected with HIV/AIDs and their families

Medak, Adilabad and Mahaboobnagar Districts
Project office in Head Quarters of all 3 Districts.
Children living on streets, Children involved in begging and rag picking, Child labour, Orphans/Destituties
Family Health International, Clinton Foundation, Care India
2009 - 2011
Direct beneficiaries were 3898 households, 5878 children and 6891 adults, 171 children and 1950 adults were linked with ART, supported livelihood opportunities to 119 Households from the project, linked 25 Households to DRDA for SHG-SC and loans, linked 72 Households for SC Corporation loans, Processed 47 application to different departments like DRDA, SC corporation for entitlements and submitted 760 applications for ART pensions.
1.The project that took 5 years for implementation in coastal and rayalaseema region was achieved by HCHW in just two years in Telangana region. 2. HCHW successfully organized “Kerithalu” a two days memorable event at summer green resort full of adventure, joy and entertainment involving children from all districts of Andhra Pradesh implementing Balasahyoga

Children infected and affected with HIV/AIDs and their families Targeted Intervention

Female sex workers (FSMs) and Men having sex with men (MSMs) MICTC

Hyderabad (Gachibowli Patancheru Kukatpally)
Project Office is located at Madinaguda
Rs.13 Lakhs
Rs.13 Lakhs
80% Coverage in terms of all components of the project (RMC,STI, ICTC, Condom Distribution, BCC)
The programme bagged A+ Grade all through year in PO Assessment


HIV testing is crucial and the essential most priority based upon which the entire continuum of care for HIV/AIDs depend. Therefore, Mobile ICTC is the most efficient alternative mechanism available for those hard-to-reach population who shy away from visiting static ICTCs (located in Government settings) for various reasons

Whole of Medak District
Rs.5 Lakhs
Rs.5 Lakhs
33124 have been tested for HIV and 214 (0.65%) found positive
Unreached and hard to reach areas of medak district creating access to HIV testing at their doorstep covering high risk population bridge population, ANC and general population


General ANC, HIV Positive ANC and HIV Positive

Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy Dist.
Our Team operates from all government Hospitals
Rs.26 Lakhs
Rs.26 Lakhs
NACO through IL&FS
36659 pregnant women tested and 390 found Positive ANCs
We have received Best NGO Award and Best ORW Award from Rangareddy DAPCU for the Year 2013.